
Hear about some amazing experiences with the EE Systems

Submit your testimonials from our wellness center on the UNIFYD website. https://www.unifydhealing.com/submit-a-testimonial

I have been going to what I call “the healing room “ and to Michelle Guas for physical therapy 3-4 hours per week.
I look at this as a charging for my cells!! I am able to clear my things and usually sleep when there. I know this is giving me a better quality of life and my bloodwork has totally improved.my circulation is great. I believe that my health has improved and I’m able to enjoy life !

Debbie Schwarz

Amplified Healing, PALMETTO BAY, FL

I am noticing so much more mental clarity after each session and I’m loving it! I feel more connected to myself and literally up levelling spiritually and overall feeling so much clearer and happier. I’m usually extremely foggy and in survival mode with my young energetic Autistic kids. My head and heart is getting lighter every time I come.

Sarah Kumar

Vital Body Wellness Centre, ST MORRIS, SA

I have been interested in the EES System for years and was super excited when I found they opened near me. I suffer from Raynaud’s, which is a poor blood circulation. Winters and quick change of climate in the summer like air-conditions triggers the illness. My 1st time, my session was for 1:00. I went in, laid down and couldn’t get comfortable. I looked up at the clock and it said 1:10. I said to myself, OH LORD! I have 50 more minutes of this? I closed my eyes and tried to make this work. The owner tapped me on the shoulder. I was so upset because I finally got comfortable. But, to my surprise, she came in to wake me up and to let me know that I slept for 2 hours. WHAT!!! I quantum leaped

Flor Solasz


I went to Costa Rica to visit my friend Jason who has a 24 screen system. I was in there for about 14 hours with neuropathy in both feet. I was taking five gabapentin every night after the session. I am no longer on gabapentin and my pain in my feet is probably 99% gone. I just wanna say thank you very much Jason and this has been the greatest experience I’ve ever experienced.



View more testimonials on the unifydhealing.com website.

Reserve A seat in our 24-unit EESystem

2 to 20 hour blocks of hours can be pre-purchased as well as 10 hour overnight session.  Book your appointment online to ensure availability.   We look forward to seeing and assisting you with your EES experience. 

Contact Us

Become a Member

Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Center is a Private Member Association. We look forward to welcoming you to our unique wellness community.


(352) 640-2529


10935 SE 177th Place  Suite 506-507  Summerfield, Florida 34491


The statements on this website are intended for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.  They are not intended to replace the advice and care from your licensed Medical or Health Care Practitioner.  We make no claims to heal, cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent any illness or disease.  No nutritional formula or Vibrational/Energy Medicine Therapy or Device can heal or cure anything. They serve to support the body's own Innate Intelligence in strengthening the body's vital energies and defense mechanisms toward achieving a state of balance.

Energy Rejuvneation Wellness Center is a project of the Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Society.