

 See below for making reservations, cost per session, and to purchase discounted packages as part  of our opening celebration.





We look forward to being a part of your Energy Enhancement System  journey.





Reservations are in 2-hour increments

Payment is collected online or at the center before your session. You need to have signed up as a member.

You can fill out your membership application online or at our facility prior to use of our EESYSTEM.

We also have discounted package session hours which can be purchased as gift cards online or in our center. You can use the cards yourself or gift to others.  {SCROLL DOWN BELOW TO PACKAGES SECTION}

2 Hours

1 Person
$120 increments

30 Day

Unimilited Access Pass



3 persons or more: $295 each

Sessions are for members only. 
You can fill out your membership application online prior to your first session. This allows you to set up your appointment.


Purchase discounts on gift card session packs.

Members can purchase gift cards at a significant discount based on hours purchased in advance. Also, all new members will pay a $20 Membership fee plus $90.00 for their first 2 hour session a $30.00 saving.

Our gift to you.


2 Sessions (4 Hours) @ $50/hr

$240 for $200.00
$40 Savings

3 Sessions (6 Hours) @ $45/hr

$360 for $270.00
$90.00 savings

4 Sessions (8 Hours) @ $40/hr

$480 for $320.00
$160.00 Savings

5 Sessions (10 Hours) @ $40/hr

$600 for $400.00
$200.00 Savings

10 Sessions (20 Hours) @ $40/hr

$1200 for $800.00
$400.00 Savings

Preparing for your
Energy Enhancement System Session

Before Your Session:

1. Please arrive 10 - 15 minutes before your session for check-in, and a brief orientation if this is your first visit.

2. Come hydrated & bring a water bottle! Hydration is an essential ingredient for cellular change. It is good to hydrate steadily for several days prior to your session as well as during and after your session.

3. You may want to eat a light, healthy meal an hour or so prior to your session. Please note that only water is allowed in the Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Center.

4. Dress comfortably in layers as your body temperature may fluctuate while in the energy field. You may want to bring cozy socks, as Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Center is a shoe-free area. The Main Hall has an area for you to store your shoes as well as handbags, sweaters etc.

5. Please feel free to bring what you need for a comfortable session (such as your own pillow, favorite blanket, eye blinders or eye shades, noise-canceling headphones, etc.).

6. Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Center is a quiet space during the session time, where we whisper or use very soft voices in respect of those healing and meditating.

7. Please note that all cell phones must be turned off or put on Airplane mode (and alarms and notifications silenced). Ideally leaving them in the car while you are in your session.

8. Come with an open mind and heart, ready to unwind, relax, and celebrate your body’s natural healing ability.

During Your Session:

1. If you are listening to your phone as a listening device, please place it on Airplane Mode (and silence alarms and notifications) during your session.

2. Please be respectful of others by minimizing loud movements and limiting extraneous sounds or conversation while in the session area.

3. Close your eyes: at least 80% of your sensory energies are spent interpreting signals through the eyes. Give them an opportunity to relax and enjoy some down time.

4. Within the bio-active scalar and photon fields generated by the EESystem, every cell is bathed in clean, healing energy. Allow yourself to move into this awareness and to ease into various states of calm, meditation, gratitude, dreaming, and sleep.

5. Bring to your mind’s eye imagining the healthy body you want to have, the world you want to live in, and the vitality you desire for yourself, and every person in your life, let’s include our Earth. Your thoughts are especially powerful in these life-enhancing regenerative fields, so you may want to set a clear intention for your session. The subtly shifting your focus and placing your attention on what you want to create is a very powerful way to enhance your experience in the scalar field.

After Your Session:

1. After your session, drink plenty of pure water to remain well hydrated. Add the juice of half a lemon or a generous pinch of sea salt to increase cellular absorption. This is a good daily habit.

2. Include plenty of liquid-rich raw organic foods in your dietary choices to support your rapidly changing cells and take care to avoid health-depleting chemicals and toxins as much as possible.

3. Notice any changes (subtle or more obvious) that may be occurring physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually in the hours and days following your session. Acknowledgment of the healing in your body may lead to an increase in your conscious body awareness, providing an important neuromuscular feedback loop for the rapid changes occurring in your cells.

4. Follow the suggested Post-EESystem Detox Protocol. Sea salt assists your body in efficiently clearing toxins and heavy metals from your skin as they are released by your cells. Taking a 30-minute sea salt bath in hot water to tolerance within 24 hours is ideal, although a sea salt bath will still be beneficial up to 72 hours post-session. If a full bath is not an option for you, a sea salt foot soak is the next best option. Dr. Michael recommends immersing as much of your body as possible in the sea salt solution and possibly using a hand towel submerged in the salt water to lay atop any exposed body parts.
If you experience detox symptoms such as fatigue, headache, or temporary flu-like symptoms, you may support your body by increasing your water consumption, taking a sea salt bath, and allowing for deep and thorough rest. This self-nurturing supports the re balancing of your body and may alleviate discomfort.

Reserve A seat in our 24-unit EESystem

2 to 20 hour blocks of hours can be pre-purchased as well as 10 hour overnight session.  Book your appointment online to ensure availability.   We look forward to seeing and assisting you with your EES experience. 

Contact Us

Become a Member

Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Center is a Private Member Association. We look forward to welcoming you to our unique wellness community.


(352) 640-2529


10935 SE 177th Place  Suite 506-507  Summerfield, Florida 34491


The statements on this website are intended for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration.  They are not intended to replace the advice and care from your licensed Medical or Health Care Practitioner.  We make no claims to heal, cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent any illness or disease.  No nutritional formula or Vibrational/Energy Medicine Therapy or Device can heal or cure anything. They serve to support the body's own Innate Intelligence in strengthening the body's vital energies and defense mechanisms toward achieving a state of balance.

Energy Rejuvneation Wellness Center is a project of the Energy Rejuvenation Wellness Society.